What medicines to bring from Vietnam


Exotic culture, unique attractions and inexpensive vacations are the main advantages of Vietnam. But there is another important point that gives this Asian country a special flavor - everywhere you can find merchants of unusual products - tinctures, pomace and ointments, which they impose on foreigners and which endow with healing properties.

It is about these magic drugs that will be discussed in our review. At the same time, we will try to find out whether these products have at least some of the properties that the sellers and manufacturers themselves endow them with. Perhaps it is thanks to the combination of centuries of experience that is passed from generation to generation, as well as the use of natural ingredients found in nature, that humanity will soon be able to get rid of many diseases.


As the name implies, the product is based on the venom of one of the most dangerous snakes on the planet. The ointment confidently occupies a leading position among medical products that tourists buy when they get to an Asian country. "Cobratoxan" is a proven substance for diseases of joints and ligaments, sprains and back pain. The effectiveness of the ointment has also been confirmed for sciatica.

The effectiveness of the drug is associated with a special mechanism of its action on problem areas of the skin and muscle fibers. Penetrating deeply, a substance based on snake venom and auxiliary components relieve painful sensations and warm the problem area of ​​the body.

Those who have managed to appreciate the benefits of using the ointment buy "Cobrotoxan" in whole packages. But for those who need to improve blood circulation, White Tiger ointment is more suitable, which has a slightly different therapeutic effect.


Since Soviet times, an ointment with this name has occupied an important place in any medicine cabinet. Today it is produced in Vietnam in several variations at once - in the already familiar packaging, as well as in liquid form or as a means for inhalation. By the way, it is in the form of inhalations that "Zvezdochka" can be found in the medicine cabinet of almost every Vietnamese family.

The ointment finds its application in the treatment of many diseases. It can be used to treat colds, various forms of flu, and even headaches. It will also be effective against insect bites.

Believe it or not, but the effectiveness of "Zvezdochka" is so great that the patient after a short time will be able to completely get rid of the symptoms of a cold. Provided that the patient began to take it when the first signs of the disease were detected.

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Ling zhi mushrooms

No less popular among foreign guests are medicines based on an unusual type of Lynch mushrooms, the healing properties of which have been known to man for more than two millennia. Chinese doctors are also actively using the healing properties of these plants and even assigned them the highest category of effectiveness in terms of effectiveness and the absence of side reactions.

The plant is unique and has a wide range of applications. In particular, with its help, disruptions in blood pressure are eliminated, and cholesterol levels are reduced. The substances it contains have a protective effect on the liver and help to strengthen the immune system.

Glucosamine (Glucosamin)

Tourists coming to Vietnam are showing interest in another medicine that has medicinal properties. We are talking about preparations based on glucosamine, which helps to solve joint problems, helps to restore cartilage and intervertebral discs, and also strengthens joints and ligaments.

It is strongly recommended that you visit your doctor for professional advice before purchasing such medicines. The fact is that in different products the glucosamine content is different. And if for one patient this or that drug will have a positive effect, then for another it may not be suitable. It all depends on the body and the age of the patient. The doctor will also help you choose the best course of treatment.


This substance, according to Asian manufacturers, has a positive effect on the cerebral cortex, improves its functioning and helps to improve memory, concentration and development of resistance to stress. Vietnamese experts assure that the drug will also help those who have problems with insomnia.

The drug is based on medicinal herbs that are collected in different regions of Vietnam. Cebraton will help the body weakened after a stroke to recover faster.

Means for strengthening women's and men's health

We have all heard at least a little about healing miracle drugs that help solve all the problems of male and female health, sexual desire and infertility. In Vietnam, tourists are offered a huge selection of such means. The first help to increase attraction to the partner (Song Hao), the second - participate in the normalization of hormonal levels before menopause (Eva Hoi Xuan), and the third guarantee one hundred percent getting rid of the most serious diseases (An Nu Dan). And drugs for male potency, which are in great demand, stand apart, but all these drugs have one thing in common. Each medicine is based on herbal extracts and herbal preparations.

Some Vietnamese drugs have long been proven to be effective in the fight against ailments. Others are just gaining popularity. But to believe or not the promises of the local doctors and whether to buy miracle remedies is up to everyone to decide for himself.

Only one thing can be said with certainty - each ailment manifests itself in people of different nationalities in the same way, therefore, if some remedy helps an Asian, it will most likely be useful for a resident of the CIS countries. The main thing when making such transactions is to learn how to identify fakes and not become a victim of a fraudster. Successful shopping and a speedy cure for old ailments!


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