15 best excursions in Havana


The magnificent city of Havana, founded by the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century, will leave a lot of positive emotions in the memory of tourists. The capital of Cuba has a unique atmosphere, permeated by the rays of the Caribbean sun, filled with the rhythms of salsa, saturated with the aroma of rum and surrounded by the amazing charm of the local population. Many historical architectural monuments worthy of special attention have been preserved from the colonial past in Havana. Spacious squares and distinctive neighborhoods abound with interesting sights and places of worship. Tours in Havana in Russian will allow tourists to experience all the charm of this amazing city.

Havana far and wide

Visitors to the capital of Liberty Island will experience a meaningful acquaintance with one of the most contrasting cities in the Caribbean. Possessing deep knowledge, the guide will lead tourists through the iconic places of Havana, where the main objects of the cultural heritage of Cuba are concentrated. The six-hour route runs through historic districts, spacious squares, refined boulevards, well-groomed embankments, business districts and distinctive slums. The cost of the excursion is 120 euros per group.

During the walk, the participants of the expedition will see palace ensembles of the colonial era, high-rise buildings of the socialist period, memorial structures and numerous dilapidated buildings. Some architectural complexes are striking in their pomp, while others are in a dilapidated dilapidated state. The guide will tell tourists a lot of fascinating stories about the first settlers of the city, the real life of Cubans, revolutionary events and symbols of the patriotic movement.

Noteworthy is the expressive structure of Havana - the government building of the Capitol. The monumental structure is crowned with a majestic dome and outwardly resembles the White House in Washington. Near it is the Grand Theater of Havana, lavishly decorated with sculptures. It will be impossible to pass by the parking lot of vintage cars of the last century, painted in all colors of the rainbow. Tourists will be imbued with the cheerful and relaxed atmosphere of Cuban life as they walk along the Malecón promenade and Prado boulevard. These favorite corners of locals and visiting tourists are replete with original buildings with colorful facades, cozy restaurants and shops.

Benches and sculptural compositions are installed under the shade of palm trees. An ideal place for a magical photo shoot is the Almendaris park-forest with forests of lianas, century-old ficuses and tall spreading trees. An obligatory item on the excursion program will be a visit to the Cathedral Square. Here stands the ancient Cathedral of St. Christopher, erected in the 18th century from limestone slabs. A single ensemble is formed by the mansions that belonged to the Spanish aristocrats of the past centuries.

Colonial Havana history

A professional guide with extensive knowledge of the history and culture of Cuba invites tourists for 120 euros to take part in a walking tour of the old quarters of Havana. The program of the walk provides for visiting significant and beautiful places of the city, covered with a special colorful atmosphere. Cuba has long been the key to the New World and the most important economic and political center of the Spanish conquerors in the Caribbean. At the end of the 19th century, a new redivision of the world served to make Havana the personification of the stronghold of the national liberation movement, which lasted more than one decade.

The changes in Cuba's political system in the 20th century are undoubtedly associated with the names of Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara. Historical events have left their mark on the streets and squares, where the architectural appearance of Havana of that time has been preserved, attracting numerous tourists. The guide will tell the group about Cuba's patriotic symbols, revolutionary exploits, and underground communities.

The old part of Havana is full of unique buildings and structures with an attractive power. Tourists will see beautiful mansions that belonged to the Spanish aristocrats of the past centuries. The pearl of the colonial baroque of the 18th century is the Cathedral of St. Christopher, the viewing of which is included in the obligatory excursion program. Its façade, built of hewn stone slabs, is decorated with columns and two asymmetrical bell towers.

From Varadero to Havana: a journey through the iconic places of the capital

The Russian-speaking connoisseur of Cuban attractions invites guests of Havana to trace the development of the island from the pre-Columbian civilization to the creation of a socialist system. Legends about pirates of the Caribbean, old houses, as well as the influence of cult figures on the formation of the appearance of the Island of Liberty give the capital of Cuba its unique originality. A fascinating excursion will cost tourists 180 euros.

Many tourists prefer to relax in the luxurious resort of Varadero, from where they then flock to Havana. On the way to the capital, they will meet with the city of Matanzas, founded on the banks of two rivers, over which five original bridges are thrown. Having reached Havana, travelers will have to plunge into the world of the former Spanish rule, as evidenced by the preserved ancient facades of luxurious mansions.

The group's path passes through the popular squares and districts of Havana. The guide will show you the fountain built in 1836, the Cathedral, the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a huge portrait of Che Guevara on one of the walls, fortifications, the Bolshoi Theater with an exquisite facade, the Capitol and much more. Inspection of architectural monuments will be accompanied by fascinating stories of the guide about Cuban sights.

Fall in love with Havana

A four-hour pedestrian walk along the old streets of Havana, fanned by the era of past centuries, will leave pleasant impressions. These are unique corners, where each side street reveals a colorful kaleidoscope of life and way of life of cheerful Cubans. The historical part of the city is replete with amazing architectural masterpieces built centuries ago in the Baroque and Neoclassicism styles. Restored monumental buildings, luxurious mansions with dilapidated abandoned buildings contrast here.

Squares, parks and squares are buried in the greenery of marvelous trees, the lush crowns of which create shade and freshness on a hot Cuban day. The endless stream of multi-colored vintage cars scurrying before your eyes is a genuine delight for any tourist. For 90 euros, an erudite connoisseur of Havana attractions will introduce curious travelers to colorful colonial buildings, palace ensembles, cozy courtyards, atmospheric bars and pompous hotels in the Old City.

Of interest are the famous squares - Plaza de Armas, Plaza de Catedral, Plaza de San Francisco and Plaza Vieja. Each of these places preserves a centuries-old architectural heritage and important historical significance, which the guide will tell in detail about.

The Old Man and the Sea. In the footsteps of Ernest Hemingway

Havana is famous for places associated with the life and work of the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway. Having traversed half the world, the Nobel Prize winner in literature has lived intermittently on Liberty Island for more than twenty years. Here he wrote his outstanding works, including the popular story "The Old Man and the Sea". The all-knowing guide offers tourists for 120 euros to walk in the footsteps of E.Hemingway to imbue his hobbies.

Tourists will go to inspect the first refuge of the famous writer in Havana - the AMBOS MUNDOS hotel. The old five-story building with a pink facade rises in the center of the Old Town. On one of the walls of the hotel there is a characteristic portrait of a literary man. In a small room on the fifth floor, where Hemingway stayed, there is a museum with exhibitions of the personal belongings of the prose writer.

Then the group will proceed to the drinking establishments, where the old man "Ham" liked to visit with enviable regularity to enjoy the Cuban alcoholic cocktail Daiquiri. In the Florida and Bogedita del Medio bars and restaurants, you can see many archival photographs with his autographs. Near the bar of one of the establishments, there is a full-length bronze statue of the writer, which arouses genuine interest among visitors.

The six-hour tour program cannot be complete without visiting the Finca Vihia estate located in the suburbs of Havana. A small park with tall trees surrounds the one-story stone manor. Hemingway spent the last years of his life here. The interiors of the house have preserved the furnishings that were during the life of the writer. The rooms of the villa are filled with the writer's personal belongings. These are bookshelves, clothes, souvenirs, hunting trophies, portraits and much more. In the garden of the estate, the boat "Pilar", on which E. Hemingway loved to sail, anchored to the eternal anchorage.

Author's tour of non-tourist Havana

At the disposal of tourists there is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the casual side of Havana. The Russian-speaking author of the excursion will reveal to the guests a distinctive and authentic part of the capital of Cuba. A few blocks from the central districts of Havana, the life of Cubans flows measuredly. Deeper into the maze of streets, travelers will admire the pompous restored colonial mansions and the building of the Partagas tobacco factory.

It is worth turning literally around the corner and tourists will see dilapidated houses, as well as numerous bars, beauty salons, markets and religious shops. The guide will tell you in detail about the famous Cuban triad - tobacco, rum and coffee. The walking tour can be diversified by driving a vintage car along the beautiful Malecon promenade. Foamy ocean waves crash against the parapet, spraying passing cars. The price of a two-hour voyage is 29 euros per person.

Las Terrazas and Vinales Valley - the beauty of Cuban nature

Not far from the Cuban capital, there is an amazing picturesque place that attracts tourists with its unique nature and varied landscapes. This is the province of Pinar del Rio, where you can admire protected green areas with tropical jungles, tobacco plantations, botanical gardens and karst caves.

Together with a professional escort, the tourists will visit the settlement of Las Terrazas and Viñales. These places are most famous for the majestic steep hills covered with dense forest. The central natural composition of the province is Lake San Juan, which is washed by glades with exotic plantings. About six million plant seedlings have been planted here, including sedro, theca, kaoba and almasigo.

The paths winding between the spreading trees lead the guests to the waterfall and the terrace, from where an amazing view of the surrounding landscapes opens. Nothing will stop tourists from taking a boat ride on the lake, visiting a gallery of local artists, trying coffee in the Maria Cafe, taking a walk around the ranch and enjoying the serene atmosphere in the bosom of pristine nature. The cost of the expedition is 150 euros for a group of six people.

Havana flavored with rum, cigars, coffee and salsa

It is impossible to imagine Havana without unsurpassed rum, aroma of fresh coffee, incendiary rhythms of salsa and noble tobacco. An erudite guide for 216 euros will help tourists to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the distinctive Cuban capital. Tour participants will walk along the historical pedestrian street Obispo. This is the main artery of the Old Town, full of old buildings, museums, souvenir shops, cafeterias and bars.

Visitors to Havana will learn a lot of useful information about the sights of the city, the mentality of the Cubans, the musical and dance preferences of the inhabitants of Havana. Tobacco connoisseurs will love a visit to a cigar factory, where the production process of rolling the world famous Cuban cigars will be presented. In numerous drinking establishments, tourists can taste alcoholic beverages, including the famous rum and Daiquiri cocktail. An attractive dance show in the bars and taverns of Havana guarantees the audience memorable emotions.

Philosophy of Cuban Street Art

While in Havana, tourists will certainly pay attention to the fences and facades of houses, decorated with intricate designs. This characteristic expression of street art has become a legacy of Cuban culture. An erudite guide will lead an entertaining excursion for guests of Havana, the program of which is devoted to the study of the work of local artists. The painting of Liberty Island is full of non-trivial symbols and images that reflect tropical surrealism and traditional African motives. The € 120 walk takes about six hours.

Travelers will proceed to the remote area of ​​Haymanitas, where an entire art quarter is located. The colorful festive street has become a kind of canvas on which the artist Jose Fuster embodied his creative ideas. Walls, roofs, doorways of houses, as well as benches, fences and stops are decorated with mosaic panels with picturesque drawings that evoke positive emotions in the audience. Here you can see mermaids, spiders, roosters, flowers, trees, crocodiles, heroes of the revolution and other images.

Next, tourists will proceed to the central street El Callejón de Hamel, famous for its masterpieces of wall art. The gorgeous drawings are filled with wisdom, imagination and optimism. Many of the striking images are reminiscent of Cuban African roots. Natural curiosity is aroused by paintings that express the symbiosis of realism and mythology. At the same time, each story is rethought in a surrealistic way, which forces viewers to study in detail the picturesque panel.

Havana: full immersion tour

A halo of revolution romance, vintage cars, colonial architectural monuments, contrasting buildings, spicy aromas of cigars and rum - all this makes up the current image of Freedom Island. A professional guide will help visitors to Havana to fill associative impressions with meaning and comprehend the cultural values ​​of Cubans. A six-hour walk, worth 176 euros, will allow tourists to feel the pulse of the Cuban capital.

The excursion program includes a tour of the Bolshoi Theater, the Capitol, the palace ensemble, majestic old hotels and many other attractions. The group's route runs through pedestrian boulevards, embankments, squares and green park areas. It will be impossible to ignore the historic center, colorful alleys and various public places of Havana. Tourists will be interested to see the luxurious buildings that contrast strongly with the aristocratic mansions that have lost their former splendor.

The picturesque and prestigious Havana district of Miramar, stretching along the coast of the ocean, will appear in all its glory. Here are located foreign embassies, offices of representative offices of international organizations and private villas. The wide main avenue of the district is buried in the green of tall trees with spreading lush crowns.

Ancient fortresses

In the era of geographical discoveries of the New World, Cuba was one of the most important strategic colonies of the Kingdom of Spain. The Spanish ships sailing from America with gold entered the main connecting port of the Caribbean region - the Bay of Havana. Havana was protected from the encroachments of pirate invaders by four fortresses, on the construction of which a lot of money was invested.

Powerful fortifications embody the centuries-old history of Freedom Island. The guide invites travelers to visit the forts, which are examples of medieval defensive architecture. The tour of the citadels will be accompanied by fascinating stories of the guide about filibusters, ghosts, treasures, sunken ships and political intrigues between maritime empires. The cost of the guide's services is 120 euros for a group of five.

Fortresses such as Del Morro, La Fuersa, La Cabana and La Punta will become objects of observation. Each of these impregnable forts still amazes with massive fortifications and wise engineering solutions. Artillery pieces, powerful thick walls, narrow loopholes, corner towers convey the atmosphere of antiquity. Today the fortresses serve as museums and warmly welcome guests.

Religious color of Cuba

A cognitive acquaintance with the religious side of the inhabitants of Havana will expand the palette of impressions from staying in Cuba. Most of the island's population professes the pagan cult of Santeria, in which Catholic and African beliefs are mixed. Many tourists wish to be at the site of sacred ceremonies, where ritual dances to the accompaniment of drums play the main role, as well as the conscious entry of believers into a hallucinogenic trance.

A connoisseur of Cuban sights and traditions organizes a tour of the sacred places of Cubans for 120 euros. Travelers will find themselves in the enchanted forest of Almendares. The trunks and crowns of tall trees are densely entwined with vines and ivy. A river flows through the park, on the banks of which the followers of Santeria perform bloody rituals of sacrifice. This is evidenced by the numerous bones and rotting heads of birds.

The excursion will continue in Hamel Lane, which is a small corner of the popularization of Afro-Cuban folklore. Every Sunday there are colorful performances with dancing, songs and drums. The building facades of the quarter are decorated with colorful graffiti with various religious quotes and abstract images. Tourists will have a trip to the temple of Saint Regla, dedicated to the patroness of the oceans and seas.

Walk along the Malecon promenade at sunset

One of the pearls is the Malecon embankment, a leisurely walk along which together with a guide will leave pleasant impressions in the memory of tourists. This favorite place of the townspeople originates from the fortress of San Salvador de la Punta and stretches along the Havana Bay for seven kilometers. Magnificent during the day, mesmerizing at sunset and mysterious at night, the embankment consists of a wide avenue for traffic and a narrow pedestrian path.

The waves of the ocean crash against a solid parapet, which is popularly called the longest "bench" in Havana. The architectural ensemble gives a unique original atmosphere to Malecon. The old and diverse buildings alternate with modern buildings. Tourists will see a high-rise building - the National Hospital (31st floor) and the legendary hotel "National".

The numerous sculptures installed on the embankment remind of the heroic battles of the past for the independence of Cuba. As dusk falls, Malecon transforms into a vibrant avenue. Here companies of cheerful Havanese gather to spend their time carefree and relaxed. Tourists can extend the four-hour walk, costing 90 euros, by visiting bars with tasting Cuban cocktails.

Hot rhythms of the Caribbean

The true character of the capital of Cuba is revealed after ten o'clock in the evening. Numerous bars, clubs and drinking establishments attract visitors to Havana with incendiary rhythms of salsa, famous alcoholic cocktails, cigar aromas and a relaxed atmosphere. The author of the excursion has prepared an entertaining night walk for tourists along the picturesque districts and boulevards of the city. The group's route passes through such places in Havana as Old Square, Teniente Rey, Oreili, Mercaderes, Saint Francis Square, Varadero and Miramar districts.

These lively neighborhoods are built up with the most interesting architectural complexes of the colonial and modern period. The exquisitely restored mansions with luxurious multi-colored facades are noteworthy. Cuban musicians play invitingly in bars and restaurants. During the walk, tourists will hear fascinating information about the sights of Havana, Cuban culinary traditions, various ways of drinking rum, and musical preferences of the local population.

The guide will advise you to visit hot spots where you can taste mojitos, watch dance shows and have a cultural time. A relaxed evening excursion will cost € 176 for a group of four.

Cienfuegos and El Nicho Falls

A professional Russian-speaking guide invites tourists to go to the resort town of Cienfuegos, which is one of the pearls of the Caribbean. The price of the trip is 150 euros per group. The settlement, founded by the French in the 19th century, is located on the southern coast of the island of Cuba. The city is famous for its magnificent colonial architecture, clean streets and exotic nature reserves.

The central place of Cienfuegos, where groups of tourists rush first of all, is Martí Square. There is a picturesque square with a rotunda and a triumphal arch, around which graceful buildings and structures with their rich history rise. The palace ensembles decorated with colonnades, arches, stucco moldings, towers, terraces, balustrades, balconies and mosaics evoke an enthusiastic feeling. Of the greatest architectural value is de Valle's mansion, built in the Moorish and Gothic style. Its facade attracts with an abundance of carved columns and openwork elements.

After admiring the beautiful historical buildings, travelers will proceed to the picturesque nature reserve, which is located in the vicinity of Cienfuegos at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level. This is the amazing beauty of the El Nicho National Park, striking with a riot of amazing tropical greenery. The pristine lush jungle, mountains and lagoons of rivers are mesmerizing. The main attraction of the reserve is the waterfall. Wide streams of water fall rapidly from a height of ten meters. Ranches are built near the waterfall, where tourists will have the opportunity to taste traditional Cuban dishes.


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